Monday, December 3, 2007

Radio Schwingungen: Sternenmusik Vol. 2

Alternate cover:

This is a sequel to last week's Sternenmusik Vol. 1, adding some cosmic music to our space music bouquet. This is what you'll get today:

01 - Albedo 0.39 [by Vangelis]
02 - Taygeta [by Nik Tyndall]
03 - Starmoods [by Jonn Serrie]
04 - Still [excerpt] [by Steve Roach]
05 - Beyond the Cosmic Horizon [by Michael Garrison]
06 - Toto, I've A Feeling We're Not In Kansas Anymore [by Michael Stearns]
07 - Begin Where I End [by Steve Roach]
08 - The Stars Tonight [by Michael Garrison]

Sharebee (Part 1)
Sharebee (Part 2)

Pass = Schwingungen

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