After having fixed some technical problems this blog is now officially online. Every Thursday we're going to update it with a new selection from the annual Schwingungen polls. For the time being we have to stick to the top 3, but we're working hard to make the full top 20 selection available sometime in the future.
Further, on our sidebars, please find some technical gadgets & service information:
(a) Our new "RockIt" Audioblog Search Engine: On the basis of our 160 favourite sharity blogs we've created a Google Custom Search Engine exclusively searching downloadable audio blogs (range: krautrock, electronic, jazz, weird, avantgarde, contemporary classical etc.)
(b) Schwingungen title melodies: Using our embedded audio player (requires Flash) you will be able to listen to Schwingungen's two signature tunes: (i) Harald Grosskopf's So weit so gut (used from 1984 to 1993 or so) and (ii) Michael Garrison's Departure.
(c) There's a massive directory of links to other sharity blogs, mail-orders, record labels and electronic artists from that era.
And don't forget to leave a comment if you like this blog. Passive freeriders are killing web 2.0.